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Chinese translation for "disclosure of relevant information"


Related Translations:
disclosure:  n.1.泄露,暴露;(发明等的)公开。2.揭发;显示;开诚布公的话。短语和例子make a disclosure of 暴露。
personal disclosure:  个人泄密
risk disclosure:  风险披露
disclosure requirements:  表露要求资料公开的要求
disclosure items:  披露项目
bank disclosure:  银行被露资料
probability disclosure:  概率漏露
non disclosure:  不告知未告知
inadequate disclosure:  不承保资产未充分反映
obligatory disclosure:  有拘束的揭示有拘束地揭示
Example Sentences:
1.Disclosure of relevant information in sales leaflets of hos
2.Other measures to safeguard shareholders interests include the group s effective board of directors and the prompt disclosure of relevant information to shareholders
3.Article 1 with a view to regulating the recognition and measurement of borrowing costs , and the disclosure of relevant information , the present standards are formulated according to the accounting standards for enterprises - basic standard
第一条为了规范借款费用的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
4.Article 1 with a view to regulating the recognition and measurement of business combinations , and disclosure of relevant information , the present standards are formulated according to the accounting standards for enterprises basic standards
第一条为了规范企业合并的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
5.Article 1 to standardize the confirmation and measurement of the impairment of assets , and the disclosure of relevant information , these standards are formulated according to the accounting standard for business enterprises - basic standards
第一条为了规范资产减值的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
6.Article 1in order to regulate the recognition and measurement of long - term equity investments , and disclosure of relevant information , these standards are formulated in the light of the accounting standards for enterprises - basic standards
第一条为了规范长期股权投资的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
7.Article 1 these standards are formulated in accordance with the accounting standards for enterprises - basic standards for the purpose of regulating the recognition , and measurement of share - based payments , and the disclosure of relevant information .
第一条为了规范股份支付的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
8.Article 1 to standardize the confirmation and measurement of non - monetary assets transaction , and disclosure of relevant information , these standards are formulated according to the accounting standard for business enterprises - basic standards
第一条为了规范非货币性资产交换的确认、计量和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
9.Article 1 with a view to regulating the accounting treatment for the foreign currency transactions , conversion of foreign currency financial statements and disclosure of relevant information , the present standards are formulated according to the accounting standards for enterprises - basic standards
第一条为了规范外币交易的会计处理、外币财务报表的折算和相关信息的披露,根据《企业会计准则- -基本准则》 ,制定本准则。
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